
About Us


Mohie-Eldin Y. Mohie-Eldin is owner of Greater New Haven Math Online Academy (GNH-MOAcademy).
Hi, I’m Mohie. I was trained as a Ph.D. physicist at Tufts University and MIT in Boston, MA, but also worked as a commercial software developer for several years. Throughout my career, teaching was always either a primary, secondary, or tertiary activity that I performed and consulted at several academic institutions (universities and schools) in the Boston area and in Connecticut, at a range of academic levels. Currently I am a retired faculty member from Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) Department of Computer Science, but still teach courses as an adjunct at the University of New Haven (Dept. of Math & Physics) and Quinnipiac University. I have worked with a vast number of students ranging from high school to graduate school in teaching three technical disciplines; Math, Physics, and Computer Science. My experience as an educational professional with over thirty five years of  expertise, that range from consulting at middle & high schools to teaching at high school and university levels, allowed me to acquire creative, innovative, and flexible methods of teaching, because it was clear to me that traditional teaching methods were not addressing the unique needs of all learners. Many students struggled to grasp concepts. faced significant anxiety, or simply lacked the motivation to push their limits.
These observations and a deep-seated belief in the potential of every student made me skilled at making even the most complex of mathematical concepts understandable. As well as helped me develop my teaching strategies that are not only effective, but fun; not only educational, but engaging. At our center we are all supportive and patient; providing consistent encouragement and extra help to all our students. This allows us with my teaching methods to reach both the “strugglers” and the superstars. This has allowed us to create a learning environment where it is cool to be smart and safe to take risks.
That is why I founded Greater New Haven Math Online Academy (GNH-MOAcademy) in 2016. Honestly only a dedicated teacher understands  the intangible rewards of helping students succeed and grow their life enhancing math skills. Witnessing one’s efforts and support basically CHANGING LIVES THROUGH MATH before ONE’S eyes becomes a life long habit, that is hard to let go of.


Find Out What We Offer To Our Students.

Greater New Haven MATH ONLINE Academy  {GNH-MOAcedemy} is a complete learning center! We offer Math Help, Math Enrichment, Homework Help for Students in Elementary, Middle, High School. We proudly serve all Connecticut communities.

We offer Math Tutoring Services for grades 4-12, including Algebra 1&2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, AP\Calculus, Test Prep Program for ACT, SAT, SSAT, ISEE, GRE Find out if Greater New Haven MATH ONLINE Academy {GNH-MOAcedemy} is right for your student; email us at support@GNH-MOAcadeny, or Call us at 203-691-9557/203-512-2347 and talk to us about your student’s needs, and schedule a free 30 minute session or leave us a message for a convenient time to call you back. Also visit our Contact Form

We know how to teach students math.

Our specially trained math instructors will teach your student how to understand math in an individual one-on-one online setting – our unique approach enables us to effectively explain math concepts and lend a helping hand to every student. Our tutors foster a caring, encouraging environment that helps all our students thrive and learn! AS WELL AS OVERCOME (IF NEEDED) HOMEWORK FRUSTRATION!

Learning Anywhere

As a leading Math authority we offer live instruction through any connected computer. Unlike “online” programs that offer group learning or automated drills and games. Our program is true, face-to-face learning with expert instructors and customized learning plans, which strengthens our student’s math and critical thinking skills and give them the confidence to succeed — from the comfort of their own home.

We pinpoint our student’s learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go.

We use our unique assessment process to determine (with great accuracy) exactly what each student knows and what they need to learn. Next, we design a customized learning plan for teaching the concepts the student needs to master. It doesn’t stop there – our encouraging instructors continually check progress along the way to make sure students truly understand and retain the concepts we’ve taught. The results are transformative – students will see measurable changes in attitude, confidence, and school progress