

Try to answer the following five questions then click the button at the bottom of the page for answers to see how you did. What was your score out of 5.



1) Solve for x:

2(3x + 4) – 3(x – 1) = x – 1           x = __________


2) Solve for x:

x² – 36 = 0          x = _______ _and _________


3) The area of a rectangle is 72 square meters. The length of the rectangle is twice the width. Find the width of the rectangle.

___________ meters


4) Car A leaves at 8:00 a.m. at 40 mph. Car B leaves 2 hours later at 60 mph from the same starting point. How long does it take Car B to catch up to Car A?

___________ hours


5) After a 20% discount and 6% tax, a guitar cost $530.00. What was the original price of the guitar?
